I Borghi più Belli d’Italia promossi con Habitat World in Usa e Canada
Discovering Italy è un’iniziativa promossa da due associazioni: Habitat World e Borghi più Belli d’Italia. La missione del progetto è portare l’attenzione sui “Borghi più belli d’Italia” collegati ai siti UNESCO e alle Città d’Arte e Cultura. Il programma esplora l’anima autentica delle città, dei borghi e dei territori selezionati nel primo gruppo di regioni (CAMPANIA, UMBRIA, PUGLIA, ABRUZZO) e offre un’esperienza unica ai partecipanti circondandoli del calore di persone appassionate e impegnate a valorizzare le bellezze dell’Italia. Tutti i partecipanti saranno accolti dai Sindaci, incontreranno artisti locali che presenteranno le loro opere in vari campi, musica, pittura, teatro, letteratura, poesia, e potranno fare esperienze dirette e coinvolgenti per vivere le feste popolari che raccontano le tradizioni dei territori, conoscere le ricette locali, il patrimonio enogastronomico e l’artigianato tradizionale.
Il noto scrittore, poeta e autore Philip Butera è il testimonial/padrino ufficiale del progetto per promuovere il programma negli Stati Uniti e in Canada.
The Most Beautiful Borghi of Italy promoted with Habitat World in Usa and Canada
Discovering Italy 2024 is an initiative promoted by two associations: Habitat World and Borghi più Belli d’Italia. The mission of the project is to bring attention to the ‘Most Beautiful Historical Villages in Italy’ connected with UNESCO sites and Art and Culture Cities. The program explores the authentic soul of the towns, villages and hamlets selected in the first group of regions (CAMPANIA, UMBRIA, PUGLIA, ABRUZZO) and offers to the participants a unique experience surrounded by the warmth of passionate people committed to enhancing the beauties of Italy. All the participants will be welcomed by the Mayors, they will meet local artists who will present their works in various fields, music, painting, theatre, literature, poetry, and will have direct and engaging experiences to enjoy the festivals, to learn local recipes, ‘food, olive oil and wine heritage’ and traditional craftsmanship.
The renowned writer, poet and author, Philip Butera is the official testimonial/padrino of the project to promote the program in Usa and Canada.
Short profile
Philip M. Butera grew up in Buffalo, NY, earned a B.S. degree From Gannon College in Erie, PA, served in the U.S. Navy, and then received an M.A. in Psychology from Simon Fraser University in Vancouver, Canada. He has held executive positions in numerous companies related to health care. He has published five poetry books: Mirror Images and Shards of Glass, Dark Images at Sea, I Never Finished Loving You, Falls From Grace, Favor and High Places, and Forever Was Never on My Mind. Two Novels Caught Between, Caught Between, is also a PodCast Radio Series https://wprnpublicradio.com/caught-between-teaser, Art and Mystery: The Missing Poe Manuscript and a third, Far From Here to be published in Spring 2024. One Art Book, Breathing Life Into Thought, and one play, The Apparition. He has a column in the quarterly magazine, Per Niente. His work appears in numerous publications. He lives in Boynton Beach, Florida. He is on Facebook. Visit his website: www.philipbutera.com Email – philip@philipbutera.com