A Legendary Rural Borgo
Guest Village

municipality of Nuoro
(Province of Nuoro)
m. 227 s.l.m.
12 (nel borgo)

patron saint

Santa Maria Maddalena, 5 agosto

turist information

Facebook: @LolloveCasaMuseo
Facebook: @lollovers.sardegna

Lo spirito del luogo

There is a legend of how this hamlet, 15km from Nuoro, became to be abandoned. A group of nuns expelled for their behaviour, cast a curse on it: “Lollove will be like sea water, it will never grow and never die”. Despite being almost uninhabited, the borgo has not died: it is battered but still alive, testimony to a past that has not yet completely disappeared like other villages in the Barbagia area. In 1615, Lollove had 25 inhabitants, two centuries later, in 1838, it had reached 180 with an economy based on breeding: the chronicles report that 25 farmers and 20 shepherds divided 600 cows, 500 goats and 2000 sheep. Lollove is still melancholy but bears the seeds of rebirth. With its low stone houses and narrow cobbled alleys, the village retains the medieval urban structure and architecture of ancient Sardinian rural villages. The clay-tiled roofs and vine-covered crumbling walls surround the few inhabited houses adorned with flowers and blue window sills. Thanks to local and regional funds, the borgo is being recovered and enhanced. A locanda was opened in 2008 and two daily bus services connect it to Nuoro.


The Lollovers Locanda offers personalised tourist packages for all needs. The restaurant menu is based on local seasonal produce.

  • The Feast of San Biagio, February, the borgo’s patron saint.
  • Santa Maria Maddalena is celebrated on 22 July.
  • San Luigi dei Francesi on August 25 and Sant’Eufemia, venerated by shepherds, on 16 September.