(Cremona District)
mt. 30 a.s.l.

Town hall Library, Piazza Italia (Scandolara Lavara) – Ph. 347 7802091
Town hall Culture Office, Piazza Italia (Scandolara Lavara) – Ph. 0375 95101, Mob. 377 1696600
Pro Loco – Casalmaggiore IAT  , Ph. 0375 40039

CASTELPONZONE_SCANDOLARA_2The name derives from the ancient local feudal lords: Castelletto of Ponzone.

The borgo of Castelponzone is an example of the recovery of the rural dimension. It was originally a fortified borgo; today it shows a Renaissance soul, with its beautiful buildings and  the small streets with cobblestones.

The Borgo  is divided in regular blocks; once  there were two access gateways but now only the southern door has remained. Along the main street there were porticos (16th century) with shops, artisans and taverns.

The church dedicated to San Faustino & Giovita was built during the 18th century, others ancient buildings are an important rural heritage: barns, stables, silos, frescos, and obviously rural dwellings.

The most important buildings are in the Roman area (probably 4th century b.C.), in this area there is the ”Old Church” with frescoes, a beautiful façade, the bell tower, and a wooden crucifix.

Handmade ropes produced by local artisans.

Marubini: tortellini with a mix of three stocks (chicken soup, beef soup, and salami soup), pumpkin, ragù (Italian meat sauce), mushrooms and tomato. Very good are also: cotechino (gelatinous pork sausage in a natural casing), the excellent Grana Padano cheese and melon.

Guarda tutti i video sulla pagina ufficiale Youtube de I Borghi più belli d’Italia.