Militello in Val di Catania
Nymphs, Saints and Princesses
(Province of Catania)
m. 413 s.l.m.
patron siant
Santa Maria della Stella, 8 settembre
patron saint
Santissimo Salvatore, 18 agosto
turist information
Ufficio Informazioni Turistiche
Pro Loco – Largo Majorana s.n.
Tel. 329 3387910
Facebook: Associazione Turistica Pro Loco Militello in Val di Catania
Infopoint – Piazza Municipio
Tel. 095 7941325
Located between the Val di Noto and Catania, Militello is a borgo of history and art, but also of oranges and traditional sweets of grape must and prickly pears. It is part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site listed as The Baroque Cities of the Val di Noto. Rich in churches, palaces, other late Baroque buildings and details throughout the borgo, Militello’s origins date back to the Byzantine era (6-9th century) adapting a rupestrian necropolis into houses. Following the catastrophic earthquake of 1693, the borgo was effectively reconstructed in the late Baroque style. This is beautifully represented by the Church of Santa Maria della Stella and the Mother Church of San Nicolò and Santissimo Salvatore. The latter is rich in art treasures – silverware, prints, vestments, sculptures and paintings, most are on display in the Museum located in its basement. It’s during the reign of Prince Branciforte and his wife Giovanna of Austria, grand-daughter of Charles V, in the early 1600s, that Militello lived its golden age. They commissioned the Church of San Benedetto next to the Benedictine Monastery that contains magnificent furnishings and sumptuous polychrome marble altars and is the third largest in Sicily.
Local products include: prickly pears, blood oranges, grapes, wine and cereals. Speciality dishes include: cassatiddine, a square basket shortcrust pastry filled with almonds, fruit jam, chocolate, liqueur, cinnamon and covered with white icing.
- Festa del Santissimo Salvatore, late August: an evocative procession of the artistic 19th century statue of the saint, magnificently illuminated.
- Festa di Santa Maria della Stella, early September: feast of the borgo’s patron saint.
- Sagra della Mostarda e del Fico d’India, late October: the borgo is decorated in autumn colours for the celebration of the local fruit, prickly pears. The festival is a chance to taste the season’s last prickly pears and some traditional recipes including Other prickly pear products include juices, jams and biscuits.